elviranazirova32@gmail.com https://www.pinterest.ru/handmadiya/ https://feeds.feedburner.com/Free-tutorialnet

Fabric Bucket - Tutorial

Fabric Bucket - Tutorial

Organize your home with little buckets made from fabric. This bucket can be made with novelty prints, or fabric that coordinates with the room it will be placed in. The flat bottom and the stiff sides create a small box for corralling your what-nots. Place next to a chair to hold your latest craft project, in a bathroom for washcloths and soaps, or on your desk to organize all your small work tools.

Tutorial: Fabric Bucket / Basket

Tutorial: Fabric Bucket / Basket

Fabric Basket free Tutorial: How to Make Fabric Basket. EASY DIY STORAGE BOX.

Soft Baby Shoes Pattern + Tutorial

Soft Baby Shoes Pattern + Tutorial

DIY Soft Sole Baby Shoes Baby Shoe FREE Pattern PDF Sewing Patterns for Baby Girl or Baby Boy. Sew Soft Baby Slippers. 

How to Make an Easy Drawstring Bag

How to Make an Easy Drawstring Bag

In my most recent attempt to organize and de-clutter I purchased fabric-lined baskets and sorted the toys into the baskets.  And still somehow, more toys wandered into the house and the baskets overflowed into a mess.  Argh!  My solution was to make a custom-fit drawstring bag to hold one particular toy set taking up lots of space.  Doesn’t that look nice?  Or, at the very least, better:

Cathedral Window Pincushion Tutorial

Cathedral Window Pincushion Tutorial

I want to show you how to make this cute pincushion. I got the idea while trying out cathedral window blocks. I shrunk back on making an entire quilt with this technique so I transformed the sample blocks into a pincushion.

Wrist Wallet Tutorial

Wrist Wallet Tutorial

This project is a perfect handmade man gift that looks super cool, is super functional & easy to make. I’m sure I’m going to find myself making a bunch of these for the men in my family for Christmas.

DIY Lunch Bag Tutorial

DIY Lunch Bag Tutorial

DIY Lunch Bag FREE Sewing Tutorial 

Penelope Bag Pattern

Penelope Bag Pattern

FREE Penelope Bag PDF Pattern and Tutorial.