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How to Make a Rose. 3 Ways.

How to make simple roses of a satin ribbon. DIY Tutorial
How to make simple roses of a satin ribbon.

 It will be necessary for work for us:

- satin ribbon 2,5 cm wide;
- threads;
- needle;
- lighter;
- thermogun.

Way first, the simplest.

 We cut off 1,5 meters of a tape from a roll, we melt off cuts a lighter that didn't pour. Then we wrap a corner and we begin to do stitches on bottom edge.
 Then we turn a tape here thus and we continue to do stitches.
 Again we turn. Stitches go only on the one hand.
 The farther, the stronger we make gathers a tape, tightening a thread.

 We collect a bunch of stamens more densely, we apply on his basis round hot glues and we fix a tape, having wrapped up stamens — the basis bud has turned out.
How to make simple roses of a satin ribbon. DIY Tutorial

How to make simple roses of a satin ribbon. DIY Tutorial
 Then we apply glue with the gun on small sites as is one photo higher. And simply we twist around our bud.
How to make simple roses of a satin ribbon. DIY Tutorial
 Than further, that the tape is more fluffy because assembly is more dense.
How to make simple roses of a satin ribbon. DIY Tutorial

How to make simple roses of a satin ribbon. DIY Tutorial
 We apply glue on a tail and we paste him to the rose basis.
How to make simple roses of a satin ribbon. DIY Tutorial
 The rose is ready.
How to make simple roses of a satin ribbon. DIY Tutorial

How to make simple roses of a satin ribbon. DIY Tutorial

 Second way of sewing of a rose

 That all petals were equal, we use a cardboard! We cut off a strip width equal to tape width. In our case of 2,5 cm.
 We wind a tape on a cardboard thus.
 To receive folds, they need to be singed a lighter. That is we process each round fire on the right.
 Have scorched on the right, have turned a cardboard, have made a round. Have again scorched on the right, have turned a cardboard, have made a round. It should be done accurately.

 Have reeled up thus the necessary piece of a tape.
 Now as well as in the first way, we lay stitches on bottom edge of a tape, making gathers at first it is weak, and by the end is more feasible.
How to make simple roses of a satin ribbon. DIY Tutorial
 Now I will show how it is possible to make a rose without stamens. I take a toothpick and I reel up on it cotton wool.
How to make simple roses of a satin ribbon. DIY Tutorial
 I apply on cotton wool glue from the glue thermogun and I fix a tape, having wrapped up around a toothpick.
How to make simple roses of a satin ribbon. DIY Tutorial
 Now we apply glue on small sites of a tape on bottom edge where stitches are laid. Also we begin to twist around "bud". That is, the same manipulations, as in the first way. Have screwed up, have turned.
How to make simple roses of a satin ribbon. DIY Tutorial
 Now we take out a toothpick. Cotton wool remains inside. Also we paste a tape tip to the rose basis.
Such rose turns out here.
How to make simple roses of a satin ribbon. DIY Tutorial
 Here what has turned out!
How to make simple roses of a satin ribbon. DIY Tutorial


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