A stylish coin purse can cost a pretty penny but, right now, you probably have everything you need to make your own.
For the mini purse
20cm x 18cm piece of printed cotton fabric
12cm zipper
key chain or swivel clasp & split ring
Gütermann sewing thread
sewing machine with zipper foot
For the larger purse, substitute a 15cm zipper for the 12cm zipper and use larger pattern piece.
Step 1
Make pattern piece/s following the diagrams (below). From the printed cotton fabric cut two of the coin purse pattern. Place fabric together with wrong sides together.

Step 2
Using a 1cm seam allowance, sew one side of zipper to one curved end on the fabric pieces aligning the raw edges of the fabric with the outer edge of zipper. Make sure the centre of the zipper is in the centre of the curve in the fabric. Clip the fabric in the seam under the zip. Repeat with the other side of zipper with the other curve end of the fabric.

Step 3
With the purse inside out, close the zipper ¾ of the way. Flatten the base creating a mitre at the remaining raw ends of fabric at each end of the zipper and stitch across using a 1cm seam allowance. Neaten seams at each end by overlocking or a using a zigzag stitch. Unzip zipper all the way and turn the purse the right side out. Clip on key chain or swivel clasp and split ring to the end of the zip pull.

Step 4
Bottom of purse pictured

Handy Hint
These make great gifts but remember to put a coin in the purse so the receiver will have good luck and the purse will never be empty of money! Pattern pictured

Thank you xx