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Charm Square Reversible Bag Tutorial

Charm Square Reversible Bag Tutorial

Use charm squares to make this reversible bag. Fully reversible, this version is made from thirty-four 5in charm squares; one side is made of four-patch units and the reverse side is made of larger squares. For extra versatility give each side a different look by choosing a totally different selection of squares.

Finished size
Approx 20cm (8in) high (max) x 40.5cm (16in) wide (max) x 14cm (5½in) deep, excluding handles

✦  Two groups of seventeen charm squares each – you need one group for the four-patch side of
the bag and one for the larger square reverse side
✦  20cm (¼yd) for the handles
✦  51cm (20in) square of fusible low-loft fl eece
✦  One tassel
✦  Two decorative buttons
✦  Neutral thread for joining 

All measurements include  1⁄4in seam allowances, unless otherwise stated.


1   Take the group of charm squares for the four-patch side of the bag and cut each one in half to give a total of thirty-four 2 1⁄2 x 5in rectangles.

2   Take two contrasting rectangles and join them on a 5in edge to give a 4 1⁄2 x 5in rectangle. With the seam running vertically, cut it in half on the horizontal to give two identical 2 1⁄2 x 4 1⁄2in pieced
rectangles. See Fig 1.

3  Repeat Step 2 to make a total of thirty-four 2 1⁄2 x 4 1⁄2in pieced rectangles.

Fig 1 Making the four-patch units

Charm Square Reversible Bag Tutorial

Fig 2 Layout of four-patch units for the bag

4 Take two contrasting 2 1⁄2 x 4 1⁄2in pieced rectangles and join to create a 4 1⁄2in square four-patch unit. Repeat to make a total of seventeen four-patch units. See Fig 1.

5  Arrange the four-patch units into five rows as shown in Fig 2 – refer also to Fig 3 and note that the top edge of the bag will be formed by the four-patch units at the top left corner (rows 1 and 2) and
the bottom right corner (rows 4 and 5).

6  Join the four-patch units into rows and then join the rows to complete the four-patch side of the bag; Fig 4. Press the seams of alternate rows in opposite directions so that when you join the rows the
seams will nestle neatly. Note that the seams indicated by a red dot on Fig 3 should be stitched to 1⁄4in from the end of the seam; secure the seam by taking a few backstitches.
This will make joining the bag easier.

Charm Square Reversible Bag Tutorial

Fig 3 Layout for the bag also showing the joining order to create the sides – note that the arrow between rows 2 and 3 applies only to joining the larger square side of the bag

Charm Square Reversible Bag Tutorial

Fig 4 Four-patch side of the bag

7   Take the 20in square of fusible low-loft fleece and, fusible (coated) side up, place it on a cutting surface. Trim away the  corners as shown in Fig 5.

8   Take the four-patch side of the bag and place it wrong side up on an ironing surface. Place the trimmed fl eece centrally on top, fusible side against the wrong side of the fabric – you should have
1⁄4in excess fabric all round. Fuse the fleece in place.

9  Refer to Fig 3 when joining the sides of the bag. Right sides facing, bring together the two edges labelled ‘1’ and join, starting the stitching 1⁄4in from the end of the seam; secure both ends of the
seam with a few backstitches. Then, in the same way, join the edges labelled ‘2’ and so on in sequential order. When all six seams have been stitched, you will have completed the four-patch side of the bag.

Charm Square Reversible Bag Tutorial

Fig 5 Trimming the fusible fleece – note that it is placed fusible side up to trim


1  Take the group of charm squares for the larger square side of the bag and  trim each one to 4 1⁄2in square. 

2   Referring to Figs 3 and 6 arrange and then join the squares into rows and then join the rows to complete the larger square side of the bag (see ‘Four-patch side’ Step 6). Note that this time you need
to leave an approx 4in gap for turning in the middle of the seam joining rows 2 and 3 – indicated by the red arrow in Fig 3.

3   Referring to Fig 3 and ‘Four-patch side’ Step 9, join the sides to complete the  larger square side of the bag.


1  From the fabric for the handles cut two 3 x 22in strips. If you prefer longer  handles then cut two longer strips of the desired length.

2  For each strip, wrong sides together and matching up the raw edges, fold it in half lengthways, press and then open out. Wrong sides together, fold each long edge over to the centre crease and then
fold in half again to enclose the raw edges. Press and then topstitch close to the edge down both long edges.

3  Take the four-patch side of the bag and turn it right side out. Taking care not to twist them, place a handle on the back and front of this side of the bag. The short ends of the handles should be placed at the centre of the top points of the bag as shown in Fig 7. Stitch in place 1⁄4in down from the short end of the handles; the edges of the handles should be  1⁄4in in from the edges of the squares at the stitching line.

4   Stitch the tassel to the right side of the centre back of the four-patch side of  the back – this is the bottom of the ‘V’ between the two ends of the back handle.

Charm Square Reversible Bag Tutorial

Fig 6 Larger square side of the bag


1  Turn the four-patch side of the bag wrong side out and the larger square  side of the bag right side out. Place the  larger square side inside the four-patch side – right sides will be facing each other with the handles tucked down between  them. Match up the top edges and then pin all around to secure.

Charm Square Reversible Bag Tutorial

2  Using a short stitch and a 1⁄4in seam (i.e. alongside the edge of the fusible fleece), stitch all around the top edge, taking care to stitch across the points where the handles are positioned. See Fig 8.

3   Trim the excess fabric across the points where the handles are positioned. Turn the bag right side out
through the gap in the larger square side of the bag, manipulating the fabric between your thumb and forefingers to ensure that the edges and corners are fully turned through. Turn under the seam in the gap and slipstitch it closed.

4  Press the top edge of the bag and topstitch all around approx 1⁄4in in from the edge.

5   Sew a button to the centre front (opposite the tassel) of the four-patch  side and the larger square side of the bag – this allows you to fasten the bag whichever side you have on the outside.

Charm Square Reversible Bag Tutorial

Charm Square Reversible Bag Tutorial


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