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Quilted Tissue Box Cover Tutorial

Quilted Tissue Box Cover Tutorial

Easy DIY Fabric Tissue Box Cover Free Sewing Quilted Potholder Tutorial. 

You will need

A 15" x 10" piece of double face/ready quilted fabric (alternatively use two 15" x 10" pieces of regular fabric and a piece of batting the same size, sandwich together, quilt and you're ready to go).

A 55" strip of 2 1/2" wide double fold binding.


From the double face fabric, cut -
Two - 9 1/2" x 5" pieces
Two - 4 3/4" x 3 1/4" pieces

From the binding strip, cut -
Four - 9 1/2" long pieces
Two - 4 3/4" long pieces


Use 1/4" seam allowance throughout

1. Take one of the long quilted fabric pieces and two of the long strips.  Align the strips to the top and bottom edges of the fabric (matching the raw edges of the binding to the raw edge of the quilted fabric).  Sew binding to fabric.

2. Fold binding over to the wrong side of the quilted fabric and slip stitch in place at the back.

3. Repeat with second long quilted piece and remaining two long binding strips.

3. Place the two pieces one above the other.  Join the bottom edge of the top piece to the top edge of the bottom piece by slip stitching the first 2 3/4" on the left and right sides together (see detail pic below).

This will leave an unstitched central 'mouth' or opening.

4. Machine stitch a short binding piece to the bottom of each of the two small quilted fabric pieces.  Slip stitch the folded over binding to the back of each piece.

5. Fold one of the small quilted pieces in half widthways.  Position pieces as above, aligning the newly made 'crease' on the small fabric piece with the central opening on the large joined piece.

6. Flip the small piece over onto the large piece and pin the pieces with right sides together.  Stitch along the bottom (raw) edge of the small piece, starting and stopping 1/4" from each of the side edges (see pic above).

Quilted Tissue Box Cover Tutorial

7. Repeat on the opposite side of the large piece with the second small quilted piece.

Quilted Tissue Box Cover Tutorial

Your cover should now look like this from the wrong side.

Quilted Tissue Box Cover Tutorial

Quilted Tissue Box Cover Tutorial

8. Bring together each of the two raw edges at right angles to each other and stitch together to make each corner.

Quilted Tissue Box Cover Tutorial

This is what your cover should look like wrong side out.....

Quilted Tissue Box Cover Tutorial


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