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How to sew the Dahlia flower brooch

How to sew the Dahlia flower brooch. DIY Tutorial
How to sew a beautiful brooch "Dahlia" from fabric

The most important — a right choice of fabric. The brooch can be made both of fabrics of different color, and from one fabric — everything depends on effect which you want to receive. The size of fabric depends on how you will cut out circles on petals. The minimum size is 50 × 55 cm.
We define what colors of fabric will be on various tiers of a brooch.
I have taken the most dark sites on the lower tier, the lightest on top and intermediate colors on average tiers.
We cut out circles with a diameter of 6,5 cm on petals.
Quantity: 18 dark petals on 1 tier, 24 intermediate on two average tiers (14 and 10 respectively) and 7 lightest petals on the top tier.
Also it is necessary to cut out 4 circles for a bud with three leaves.
We make petals.

We collect petals in a chain. I use the Japanese threads for stitches. They are rather strong, and at the same time not thick and them it is convenient to sew.

We make a brooch basis. We cut out a circle with a diameter of 5,2 cm from thin plastic.
We cut out a circle with a diameter of 6 cm from fabric and having put inside a little synthetic winterizer, we fit fabric a plastic circle.

We sew the lower tier of a brooch to a basis from inner side.
Then very accurately we sew a circle from petals to a basis a secret seam. Color of threads under color of petals. Stitches have to be small, accurate.

How to sew the Dahlia flower brooch. DIY Tutorial

We collect the second tier of petals. Principle same.
We already sew this tier to a brooch basis from the face.

As a result at you between two lower rows has to look through edge of a basis a little.
How to sew the Dahlia flower brooch. DIY Tutorial
We try on the third tier of petals (from 10 pieces) and we sew it through to a basis a seam "back a needle", as well as in the previous time.
How to sew the Dahlia flower brooch. DIY Tutorial
If edges of petals are visible, they should be hidden. A round needle we sew petals of two tiers among themselves a secret seam.

We sew the fourth (most top) tier of petals to a basis.

We collect a flower bud. Strong we pull together three petals and we sew them together that the star has turned out.
We cut out a circle with a diameter of 5 cm from the light site of fabric and we do a bud.

We sew petals to the center of a bud

How to sew the Dahlia flower brooch. DIY Tutorial

How to sew the Dahlia flower brooch. DIY Tutorial
We sew a bud to the center of a brooch. It is better to sew a secret seam to petals of the top tier a round needle. We cut out a circle of 5,2 cm from plastic, we fit it fabric under color of petals of the lower tier and we sew a pin. Your brooch "Dahlia" is ready!
How to sew the Dahlia flower brooch. DIY Tutorial

How to sew the Dahlia flower brooch. DIY Tutorial

How to sew the Dahlia flower brooch. DIY Tutorial

article source: QuiltHouse


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