We sew a jolly rug from old knitted t-shirts
To make a rug we need:
1. Adhesive gun.
2. Scissors.
3. The needle and thread.
4. Circle pattern with a diameter of 12 cm.
5. Old Knitted T-shirts.
6. Nonwoven material is the thickest 1.6 m * 1.6 m.
7. Foam rubber
8. Synthetic winterizer
9. Oilcloth 1 m * 1 m.
10. Fabric cotton 1 m * 1 m.
11. Zipper 1 m long.
From pre-washed
things (T-shirts, turtlenecks, etc.), we cut out circles of different
colors, circling the template with a marker.
On the mat I used about 30 children's monophonic t-shirts and turtlenecks.
Using a simple stitch "forward the needle", sew a line in a circle, retreating from the edge of 0.5 cm.
We put a filler (a synthetic winterizer, foam rubber etc.) in preparation, pulling together a thread, we receive a soft ball.
Such balls on my rug with a diameter of 1,6 m about five hundred pieces were required!
When we have prepared enough balls of flowers necessary to us, it is possible to begin to paste them hot glue on the basis from a lutrasil (is on sale in hardware stores).

We paste balls densely in chessboard order, having begun from edge of our circle.
Having pasted all balls, according to the sketch, in the middle I have sewed a mattress from foam rubber with a diameter of 1 m and 3-4 cm thick, having sewn up foam rubber in an oilcloth.
From a fabric suitable for drawing sewed a round cover with a zipper for a mattress.
Making a rug is a long and painstaking process, but the result is worth it!
Hello, this is a magnificent artwork :). How do you clean it?