How to make a little zip up purse - a really easy tutorial

I sewed this coin purse using this tutorial. Since I didn't have oilcloth on hand, I used quilting cotton and added batting (for padding and structure). I also added a lining.
I decided to sew another one and take some pictures along the way. Please note: You'll still need to follow Susan's tutorial; I spared you pictures of all my steps and just included the ones that pertain to the modifications I made to her tutorial.
To make my version, you'll need the following supplies:
two pieces of fabric cut to equal size, (I used Susan's measurements of 5 x 7 1/2 inches)
a scrap piece of batting equal to or larger than your fabric pieces (you could also use flannel)
matching zipper that is at least 7 inches long or longer
straight pins
zipper foot for your machine
a chopstick or knitting needle or something similar (to poke out your corners)
Ready to get started?
Select two fabrics of equal size. One will be your outer fabric. The other will be the lining for your coin purse.

Lay your outer fabric down wrong side up. Center your batting on top of it and then lay your lining fabric (right side up) on top.

Pin that "quilt sandwich!" Truth be told, I probably go overboard a bit with the pinning but the idea here is to keep the layers from shifting during the next step...

Using a basting stitch or the longest stitch on your machine, stitch your quilt sandwich together along the edges. I tried to stitch a seam allowance of less than 1/4". By using a small seam allowance like this and assuming you trimmed your batting, you should avoid catching the batting in your stitches along the two longer sides. (Don't worry if your fabric puckers in one or two places.)

With the lining side facing up, line the top of one end with the zipper as shown in the photo below. Stitch.

Bend the quilt sandwich back so that the outer fabric is facing up. Then fold it in half and place the other end along the edge of the zipper like in the picture below. (See this tutorial for a good picture of this step minus the lining fabric.)

Okay, at this point go back over to this tutorial and follow her instructions for topstitching near the zipper area, sewing up the sides, and trimming your zipper. Be sure to follow her instructions for opening the zipper a bit before you sew the sides together.
When you're done with all that, trim your corners to reduce bulk. By the way, I didn't trim my edges with pinking shears like Susan's tutorial recommends and probably won't unless I'm sewing with flannel or something that unravels pretty easily.

Now turn your coin purse right side out and poke the corners out with your pokey tool! Then sit back and admire your cute little padded and lined coin purse! Fun, wasn't it?

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