What You Need...
hot glue gun
Start by cutting out a circle from the felt. It doesn't have to be perfect, and make it about 3 inches across.

Take a scrap piece of fabric.

Eyeball where 1 1/2 inches falls on the fabric. You're going to cut your strip of fabric 1 inch wide. You don't have to worry about being super specific, so I just eyeball it.
Cut a strip 1 1/2 inches wide and about 18 inches long.
Tie a knot in at one of the ends. Hot glue it to the middle of the felt circle.

Now all you have to do is twist the fabric around the knot....
...And hot glue it down.
Just repeat the whole twist and glue process until you get a flower the size you want.
As you see, you'll probably have some excess felt around the edge of the flower.
All you have to do is trim that off with a scissors.
Now, you're also going to have this extra "tail" of fabric.
All you have to do is pull that around the back of the flower.
Hot glue it down.
Trim down the extra fabric that's not glued down.
That's all there is to it. It's really quite simple! There are so many things you can create with these rosettes, so get creative!

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