elviranazirova32@gmail.com https://www.pinterest.ru/handmadiya/ https://feeds.feedburner.com/Free-tutorialnet

Zipper Pouch Tutorial

 These pouches are so easy, quick and fun to make. Once you grasp the concept, you can make them in any size or design! Plus, they are practical and useful and makes a really great gift because girls can never have too many pouches and shoes right?!

Fabric Basket Tutorial

 These little basket are so easy and fun to make. You can make them in any sizes or colors for storage, room decorations or as gifts! You will love having them around. or at least i did.

DIY Leather Pouch. Tutorial & Pattern

 It's so simple and easy to do, but would make a really lovely present for someone, especially when you are going on holiday and don't want to carry around the big purse.

How To Hand-Sew A Tote Bag

Making a bag without a sewing machine.  How to make an easy-to-sew tote bag through step-by-step instructions.

Faux-Leather Pouches DIY Tutorial

 Sew Easy: DIY Sewn Leather Pouches Tutorial

Reversible Party Bunting Tutorial & Pattern

 Celebration Bunting – Reversible.  I thought it would be great to have homemade bunting to use for Birthdays (or Christmas or etc!).  A nice way to add that personal touch and it can be used again and again.

Cookie Gift Bag Pattern & Tutorial

 Do you make a lot of sweet treats? Not sure how to package them? Here’s a quick and simple little sewing project for you.

Parisian Market Bag Tutorial

 Feel like sewing? Would you like to make a sweet little bag for the markets? Just roomy enough to fit your little purchases in from your latest browse through the flea markets.

Easy Sunglasses Case. Sew Tutorial

 Simple enough for a first project, the Sew Easy Sunglasses Case builds basic skills and results in a lovely and useful finished product.