9” X 30” Fabric A for Exterior
9” X 30” Fabric B for Lining
9” X 30” Pellon 40 Interlining (midweight)
40” Grosgrain Ribbon – 2” Wide
4” X 4” Foam Board (not shown)

Place Exterior Fabric on top of the Pellon. (if you want to you can stay stitch 1/8” all the way around to secure to fabric to the Pellon)

Find the center of the 9” wide side and make a mark. Measure down 3 ½” from center mark for ribbon placement. Find center of the ribbon.

Pin ribbon in place and sew down. (I usually make several passes to secure the ribbon. I just straight stitch, but you could zig-zag if you would like.)

Pin ribbon in the center to keep it out of the way while sewing the side seams. (If not, it might get caught in the seam on the next step.)

Fold the fabric in half so it measures 9” x 15” and pin. Sew a ¼” seam down each long side.

Box out the corners of the bag by bringing the side seam and bottom center together. Measure
4” across and make a mark. Sew along this mark. Repeat this step for the opposite corner.

Trim to a ¼” seam allowance.

Turn your bag right side out. You should now have something that looks like this. Repeat these
steps for the Lining omitting the instructions for attaching the ribbon. Be sure to leave an opening on one of the side seams. This will be used for turning the bag right side out.

Insert the Exterior of the bag, right side out, into the bag Lining. (right sides should be together)
Match up side seams and pin. Sew a ½” seam all the way around top.

Turn the bag right side out thru the opening you left in the lining. Press and topstitch ¼” around
top edge. Sew opening in lining closed.

Cut ribbon at an angle and seal edge with a lighter to keep it from fraying.

Insert 4” X 4” piece of foam board in the bottom of the bag for added stability.
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