For this sack I used vintage sheet for the stripey outside and linen for the top and lining.
To make your own you will need:
two 12" squares {for the outside}
two 3.5" x 12" strips {for the outside top of the bag}
two 12" x 15" rectangles {for the lining of the bag}
one matching elastic hair tie
one matching button
thread, ruler, & other sewing notions
Use a 1/2" seam allowance unless otherwise noted. RST = fabric right sides together

Take your 12" squares and cut a 2" square from the bottom corners. Do the same on the two rectangles for your lining. Doing this will make it very easy to square the bottom of your bag.

Now take your two strips and with a 1/2" seam allowance, pin right sides together {RST} and sew width-wise to form the top of your bag.
Press open.

Take the two pieces for the outside of your bag and pin RST. With a 1/2" seam allowance stitch down both sides of the bag. Stop when you get to where you cut out the 2" square.
Continute and stitch along the bottom of your bag from end to end.

Now here's the cool part! With your bag still inside out, open and match the side seam to the bottom seam and pin {this will make sense when you do it}.

Stitch along the newly formed line.

You now have a perfectly square bottom of the bag!

Repeat the above steps with your lining but when you get to stitching the bottom of your bag, begin sewing and then STOP and leave a 3" opening in the middle and then continue sewing to the end.
{this is where you will turn your bag}
Square the bottom of your lining just like you did the outer shell of your bag. Leave the lining turned inside out.

Turn the outside of your bag right side out and press. Measure to the middle of the bag. This is where your hair elastic will go. Make a loop with your fingers and very carefully stitch it down to the outside of your bag.
Once it's secure you can clip the metal part away.

Leaving the loop right where it is, slide the outer shell into the lining that is still inside out. Match the two side seams and then pin around the rim of the bag. Stitch all the way around the bag.

Remember the 3" space you left in the bottom of the lining? Push the outer shell through this space. Before pushing the lining into place stitch the space closed. Once that is done, push the lining of the bag into the outer shell until the bottom is square and it looks neat.
Press the top of the bag.

Topstitch around the top of the bag for a neat finish.

Now, pick out a button! Fold the top of your bag over and mark where you want the elastic loop to meet the button. Handsew the button on that mark through both layers of the bag. Trim your thread and any other loose threads.
That's it!

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