elviranazirova32@gmail.com https://www.pinterest.ru/handmadiya/ https://feeds.feedburner.com/Free-tutorialnet

Tiny Ruffle Purse Tutorial

Tiny Ruffle Purse Tutorial

This purse is just the right size to fit 2 water bottles over your hip OR it is also great for any little girls in your life who need to carry around special toys.

Charm Pack Candy Pouch Tutorial

Charm Pack Candy Pouch Tutorial

They are great little Easter gift holders.  And then they can be used as a little treasure bag later on!

Reusable Snack Bag Sewing Tutorial

Reusable Snack Bag Sewing Tutorial

The Ultimate Re-Usable Snack Bag: Machine Washable and Stands Upright. Free Tutorial

Soft Baby Cube Tutorial

Soft Baby Cube Tutorial

How to Make Baby Soft Blocks. Free Sewing Tutorial 

Scrap Fabric Baby Book Tutorial

Scrap Fabric Baby Book Tutorial

Books, like all other objects, are for eating, according to the Wee Lass. Since I'm not that keen on her tasting and nibbling her board and paper books, I thought I'd make her a fabric one. This is a great project for all those tiny scraps in your stash.

Wine Bottle Gift Bag Tutorial

Wine Bottle Gift Bag Tutorial

Peek-a-Boo Gift Bags. Make small ones for party goody bags.

Reusable Snack Bag Sewing Tutorial

Reusable Snack Bag Sewing Tutorial

How to Make Reusable Snack Bags (Tutorial) | Sewing projects for beginners

Little Card Case Tutorial

Little Card Case Tutorial

Now that the awesome Reprodepot Pattern books are out and available, I wanted to share a tutorial for one of the hundreds of projects I have been inspired to make while thumbing through each book (seriously hundreds - it's insane). I wanted to start with something fairly basic and simple, using printed fabric instead of paper. 

Drawstring Goodie Bags Tutorial

Drawstring Goodie Bags Tutorial

These bags make the perfect treat bags for a small birthday party. The kids get some goodies and a bonus drawstring bag to store special treasures. Eleanor had decided hers is now her “special purse.”

Super Simple Bag Pattern and Tutorial

Super Simple Bag Pattern and Tutorial

Simple Sixty Minute Slouch Pattern
This is a super simple bag pattern that can be made in only 60 minutes!  Make this pattern up for last minute gifts or for yourself – use this bag as a paperback book carrier, a small recyclable
grocery bag, an extra bag to carry your E-Reader,  or even as an extra bag when you are going somewhere and need to carry extra goodies!

Pick a Pocket Bag Tutorial

Pick a Pocket Bag Tutorial and Pattern

With a clear vinyl zipper pocket on one side, a gathered pocket on the other side, and puffed out side panels, this bag is unique.  The inside has four pockets. The top closes snuggly with a zipper. 

Blue Blazin Bag Tutorial

Blue Blazin Bag Tutorial

The Blue Blazin Bag is the perfect example of refashioning and with these simple instructions you can actually make it yourself! Learn how to sew your own purse using material you have on hand.