elviranazirova32@gmail.com https://www.pinterest.ru/handmadiya/ https://feeds.feedburner.com/Free-tutorialnet

Drawstring Pouch Bag Tutorial

Drawstring Pouch Bag Tutorial

And today, I would want to share with you a very quick tutorial with you for a drawstring pouch. 

Blooming Bag Tutorial

Blooming Bag Tutorial

I needed a quick project to work on this weekend, and turned it into a tutorial - be prepared as I am posting many pictures to help you. This one is quick, and the possibilities for embellishment are endless. In my case, since I chose a busy pattern, I did not add any other decorations.

DIY Easy Change Purse Tutorial

DIY Easy Change Purse Tutorial

Say hello to my new change purse! Ok, you don't have to talk to it.  What do you think?  I'm having so much fun beautifying my purse!  Pretty things make me smile.  :)

Gadget Cushion Tutorial

Gadget Cushion Tutorial

Gadget Cushion Tutorial - Fast and Easy to Make. Find Your Phone Everytime