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Drawstring Wash Bag Sewing Tutorial

Drawstring Wash Bag Sewing Tutorial

Waterproof Lined Drawstring Wash Bag Sewing Tutorial. I made a waterproof lined wash bag for my nephew to match his duffel bag and pencil case that he can take on holiday and when he visits his grandparents. To keep the washbag practical I lined it in a waterproof lining and for ease of use I made the drawstring channel nice and wide so he could easily open and close it.

You will need...

    white & grey deer fabric
    narrow red stitched ribbon

Drawstring Wash Bag Sewing Tutorial

Step 1

Start by cutting out the following as above illustration

Step 2

Place the front lining right sides together with the front outer fabric panel, aligning the top edge. Pin or clip together to secure. Stitch together using a 1cm seam allowance. Repeat with back lining and back outer panel.

Step 3

Open out the seams and place the front stitched panel to the back stitched panel. Using a 1cm seam allowance, stitch together along outer edge, leaving a 2cm gap, 3cm below lining/outer seam on both sides of the outer panels for drawcord insertion later and a 5cm gap in the bottom of the lining so you can turn right side out.

Step 4

Clip the corners on both the outer and lining panels.

Drawstring Wash Bag Sewing Tutorial

Step 5

Turn right side out.

Drawstring Wash Bag Sewing Tutorial

Step 6

Push out the corners and press. Slip stitch hole in lining close.

Drawstring Wash Bag Sewing Tutorial

Step 7

Push the lining inside the outer wash bag so that the lining bottom seam sits right next to the outer bottom seam. Thus creating a 3 cm deep turning of outer fabric on the inside. Press and pin to secure in place.

Drawstring Wash Bag Sewing Tutorial

Step 8

Edge stitch round top of washbag. Stitch the drawstring seam 2cm down from pressed edge of washbag.

Drawstring Wash Bag Sewing Tutorial

Step 9

Starting at one side, using a safety pin thread ribbon through drawstring channel coming out the same side as you went in.

Drawstring Wash Bag Sewing Tutorial

Step 10

Knot the ends of the ribbon and trim off any excess.

Drawstring Wash Bag Sewing Tutorial

Step 11

Your washbag is now ready to use...

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Drawstring Wash Bag Sewing Tutorial

Drawstring Wash Bag Sewing Tutorial

Drawstring Wash Bag Sewing Tutorial

Drawstring Wash Bag Sewing Tutorial


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