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Eco Shopping Bag Tutorial

Eco Shopping Bag Tutorial

A basic eco-friendly shopping bag with lining. The surface cloth I used is coarse hemp, very zakka feeling. I think the linen is too monotonous, and pasted two small mushrooms as decoration. Finished size: 30cm (w) x 35cm (h)

Small mushroom applique PDF Pattern

For this bag, both the surface fabric and the lining fabric are only 1 piece (the front and back pieces are connected at the bottom), the width of the surface fabric and the lining fabric are the same, but the surface fabric should be 10cm longer than the lining fabric, and this longer part is the folded part of the bag, the width of the folded part = 2.5cm.

You can study the following cutting diagram, I believe it will help you to cut these bags in the future:

Eco Shopping Bag Tutorial

If you don't have such a long piece of fabric, you can cut the front and back pieces of the bag separately.

Shopping bag sewing

1. First of all, let's make two straps, cut two 10cm x 40cm fabrics as shown in the cutting diagram, if the material is thin then iron on a layer of fusible interlining on the flip side. Iron 1/2 of the width of the strap and then 1/4 folded and ironed, folded into 4 layers of about 2.5cm width, and then press the line on both edges to complete the production:

2. Apply small mushrooms to the tablecloth for decoration:

3. Sew the two bands to the ends of the lining:

Eco Shopping Bag Tutorial

4. Connect the ends of the tablecloth and lining:

5. Align the ends of the two seams and secure them with a bead pin so that the surface fabric and the lining fabric are at one end each:

6. Sew the two side edges together, all the way from the lining end to the end of the tablecloth, not forgetting to leave a return opening of about 10 cm or so in one of the lining sides:

Eco Shopping Bag Tutorial

7. Now, align the bottom and sides of the bag with the lining and tablecloth, and sew a further distance on the outside of the original stitching on the side edges, which is intended to make the tablecloth and the lining fit better:

Eco Shopping Bag Tutorial

8. Turn the bag inside out through the opening and sew the opening closed. Lay the bag flat, from the bottom of the bag to the mouth of the bag down to the top of the bag straight, so that the mouth of the natural fold of the table cloth, and then iron the folded edges flat. Finally, press a circle of thread on the folded edge of the bag, the environmental protection shopping bag production is completed:

Eco Shopping Bag Tutorial

Eco Shopping Bag Tutorial


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