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How to Make Caterpillar. Free Pattern & Tutorial

How to Make Caterpillar. Free Pattern & Tutorial

Even a child can sew this caterpillar. And as a result - a funny and original toy, simply bribing with its simplicity :)) Of course, you can make it in any color, add all sorts of spots, change the length and width, as well as the number of legs :))))) The frame is also inserted at will. So...

The pattern is amazing in its complexity :)

How to Make Caterpillar. Free Pattern & Tutorial

   - green fleece,
   - white fleece (for eyes),
   - Holofiber, Moss Foam (it is desirable to have both fillers),
   - wire (personally I use copper wire in a rubber braid),
   - thread in color, black muline and a couple of beads.

How to Make Caterpillar. Free Pattern & Tutorial

 Further actions are easier to understand by pictures than by words. The point is that we first make cross stitches to make our caterpillar look like a caterpillar, not a sausage :) Pay attention to the direction in which the fabric should stretch! Not in length, but in width. So the body segments will stand out better.

Drawing is best of course with a special disappearing marker. But if you have a dark fabric, a white gel pen is more suitable.

Use a ruler to make sure everything is even.

Machine stitch to get this pattern on the front side.

 Now fold the fabric in half, face inwards, pin and stitch. You don't need to leave any holes. Feel free to sew all the way through.

Then cut off the excess, leaving an allowance of a few millimeters, and make a small slit where the eye will be. It is difficult to miss here. The main thing is not to make a big hole. And turn out! I invariably use a wooden sushi stick for this:)

Turn it out. Stuffed with holofiber. Tightly, so that the fabric stretched and separate segments separated by machine stitching stood out. But not too dense, so that you can still cram the frame in there.

How to Make Caterpillar. Free Pattern & Tutorial

How to Make Caterpillar. Free Pattern & Tutorial

The frame can be made simply from wire. Then it's easier to shove it through the holofiber, but it will be strongly felt through the fabric. I tried to do it this way: wrap the wire with Moss Foam (it works best for this) and fasten it with thread. In both cases, the ends of the wire should be tucked in, or better still a little bit of thread, so that they don't bend back.

Next, push the wire all the way in as far as possible. Again, a sushi stick can be useful, which can be stuck in with the wire and then pulled out. If you stuff the caterpillar too tightly beforehand, it will be problematic to get the wire through. But it is quite realistic :)

How to Make Caterpillar. Free Pattern & Tutorial

How to Make Caterpillar. Free Pattern & Tutorial

Use a countersunk stitch to sew up the slit. Attach the circles for the eyes and sew through the edge. Before reaching the end, stuff each eye and only then sew up completely. The ends of the threads are convenient to use for sewing beads - pupils. And if you sew around the eyes with black muline stitch backwards with a needle, they will look even more expressive :).

How to Make Caterpillar. Free Pattern & Tutorial

Cut out the required number of legs on the same circle as the eyes. Sew each circle through the edge and pull it down. Stuff, tighten finally, secure the thread and sew to the body with a countersunk stitch.

That's it! It'll take about two hours. Good luck, everybody!

How to Make Caterpillar. Free Pattern & Tutorial

How to Make Caterpillar. Free Pattern & Tutorial


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