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DIY Fabric Bread Basket Turorial

DIY Fabric Bread Basket Turorial

How to Sew French Bread Basket. Fabric Basket Sewing Tutorial.

DIY Fabric Bread Basket Turorial

DIY Fabric Bread Basket Turorial

Want to get started yourself? Below are step-by-step work instructions. Ideal for beginners, or for those looking for a quick-ready project.
The basket here is 40 by 40. The height of the raised edge is 8 cm. All around round count 1 cm seam allowance.

1. Cut two pieces of fabric. You choose if you also use toile ciree, but you can also do it with two pieces of lace.
The size does not matter. You see for yourself what size of basket you think is convenient.

2. Cut a piece of sturdy fusible web and iron it onto the fabric. Not on the toile, that is. If you are using two lace, iron the fusible web onto the fabric you think will be the outer fabric.

3. Cut 8 pieces of fabric 4 cm wide and 15 to 18 cm long. Fold the edges over, then fold in half (like biais). Topstitch.
Of course, you can actually start turning the ribbons, but my purchased bread baskets don't have that anywhere either.

4. Place the ribbons equidistant from the corners. Here it is at 8 cm from the corner.

5. Stitch the ribbons in place.

6. Stitch three sides of the basket.

DIY Fabric Bread Basket Turorial

7. As reinforcement, I cut up an old placemat. Cardboard is also possible. Or nothing, but then your basket will be a bit flabbier.
The pieces of placemat are 8 cm high. The length depends on the length of your basket.

8. Position the first piece along the seam opposite the open edge. Make sure the piece is centered. Normally the distance from the edge is equal to the height of the piece of reinforcement. Stitch all around, here with invisible thread. An extra pair of hands to hold everything in place is sometimes recommended.
If you zoom in on the photo you can see the thread. Do this for all three edges.

9. From the open edge, fold over the fabric 1 cm (not the toile, of course). Insert the piece of stabilizer between the fold and hold firmly. If you measured everything correctly, this piece will come just between the two previously placed pieces. Stitch all around again.

10. Close the seam with the invisible closing seam or simply topstitch along the edge.

Tie the ribbons and done!

DIY Fabric Bread Basket Turorial


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