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How to Make an iPad or Tablet Case - DIY Tutorial

How to Make an iPad or Tablet Case - DIY Tutorial

Stefanie can't get enough of faux leather at the moment. Good for us! As her iPad case had just broken, she decided to design a model herself and make it herself. To strengthen the faux leather and protect the iPad well, she decided to use a fleece lining. But you can leave that out if you like.

You need:

Faux leather
Sewing thread
Sewing machine or needle and thread

Fabric dimensions

Ipad dimensions: 16.5 cm x 23.5 cm
Add approx. 2.5 cm of leeway: 19 cm x 26 cm
Extend the back by approx. 1/3 of the length: 19 cm x 34 cm
Holder: 2 cm x 8 cm
Tab: 2 cm x 12 cm beveled
Cut leather: 1 front, 1 back, 1 holder, 1 tab
Fleece: 2 fronts - 1cm: 18 cm x 25 cm
Tip: You don't necessarily need a leather needle for faux leather. I increased the stitch length a little for this.

How to Make an iPad or Tablet Case - DIY Tutorial

1. Sew on the holder and fleece
Sew the holder onto the front: calculate the length of the cover for the position and add approx. 2cm. Sew on with two squares. Sew the flap onto the back: position it so that the sewn square is 2 x 2 cm. Sew the fleece onto the leather: pin the parts as shown in the photo. On the back, the seam goes exactly into the fold of the cover. On the front, approx. 5 mm below the edge.

2. Sew the inner and outer seams
Inner seam: Fold the fleece part over (see photo) so that it lies on the leather. Pin in place. Sew together along the remaining 3 sides, 1 cm away from the edge of the leather. Do the same for the front and back. Outer seam: Place the front and back together, pin in place. Sew once all the way around, 5 mm away from the edge.

3. Fleece inside
If you have decided on a fleece lining, the end product should now look something like this. You can decide how thick the fleece should be, as well as what color your fleece should be. If the fleece is a different color to the leather, there will be a nice color contrast, for example.

Have fun trying it out!

How to Make an iPad or Tablet Case - DIY Tutorial

How to Make an iPad or Tablet Case - DIY Tutorial

How to Make an iPad or Tablet Case - DIY Tutorial


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