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Pencil Pouch Tutorial

Pencil Pouch Tutorial

Zippered Pencil Case.  Back To School Pencil Pouch  - Free Sewing Sewing Tutorial - 

Pencil Pouch Tutorial

Pencil Pouch Tutorial

Follow the instructions for the basic version up to step 10. From now on, things go a little differently.

Your pen bag currently looks like this.

1. Put your drawing triangle on the 45° angle and make sure you have 3 cm on each side. Draw a line.

2. Loosen the stitching back up to the line. You will now have two loose flaps.

3. Stitch the existing stitching. 

4. Put a pin on the original seam and then fold the corner (of 1 fabric) as you did in the basic version.
At a 45° angle, measure 3 cm from the top (on each side of the zero point of the drawing triangle you will have 3 cm). Draw a line, pin and topstitch. 

5. Do the same for the lining fabric. A trick to get your lining fabric to match exactly at the corners is this:
Position the lining fabric nicely in both corners. Insert a pin exactly in the corner through both fabrics. Do this for both corners. Gently pull the lining fabric away from the outer fabric. The pins remain in place and immediately form the two points to connect with stitching. Pin the opening you loosened earlier and then make a corner from pin to pin. 

6. A clean corner sigh! 

7. Do the same for the 3 other corners. The trick is to form 4 identical corners so that the pen pocket becomes a nice beam.

8. Close the turning hole with the invisible closing seam.


Pencil Pouch Tutorial


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