Sew a Super Simple Tote Bag. How to Make a Bag: Tote Bag Pattern and Tutorial
Need a Trick-or-Treat bag? Here is a fun one made out of Duck Tape! It also could be used as a gift bag for Christmas too!
1. Supplies: Fun patterned Duck Tape or Duck Tape Sheets, scissors, foam sheet (12X18)
2-3. Cover your foam sheet with the patterned duck tape. The duck tape sheets make this so easy! But I also made one with just the tape too.
4. Cover the edges with a contrasting Duck Tape.
5-6. Fold your foam sheet in half and tape the sides closed.
7-8. Square off the bottom corners by pushing them into the middle. (See the picture of help)
9 -10 With the corner squared off, use duck tape on the inside to hold the corners in place and to reinforce the seam.
11-12. Make a long strip for the handle by folding the tape in half and then use the tape to attach it to the bag. Make 2 handles.
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