Cute little hexagon purse Tutorial - small hexagon bag.
Since I saw on Pinterest this mini bag made with hexagons I haven't stopped looking for the tutorial and I even tried to make the pattern myself but without success until finally... I found it!!!!
Isn't it cute?
I leave the link for those who may be interested ( click here ). I also put the tutorial of how I have done it in which I explain my way to put the lining.
Let's start:
Draw on a thin interlining, thermoadhesive on one side, 16 hexagons (these are 3cm on each side), cut them out and glue them with the iron to the chosen fabrics (eight different ones, two hexagons of each one).
Once all the hexagons are made, we cut 1 cm. from the edge (more or less, these are by eye):
We make the composition of fabrics that we like and with this form they will have to join each other:
This is the schematic I was looking for and finally found (it sounds like a song hehehe):
Make the turns to the hexagons but leaving the sides that go to the edge without overlocking (look closely at the following photos to understand):
and start sewing piece by piece according to the diagram:
You see in this photo what I was saying before? the ends are not bent inwards, now you will see why:
...because we are going to put the lining and the machine stitched lining and it will be perfect!
Place the lining fabric right side up on the work table, the wadding on top of the lining fabric and finally the hexagon work right side down, facing the lining. You can see it, can't you?
We pin the three layers to prevent them from shifting and we mark with a marker pen, one of those that can be erased with heat, all the contour where we will machine stitch (in the photo it is not well seen but they are the lines marked in red) and we sew:
Trim along the edge of the fabric:
We have to leave a part of the contour without sewing to be able to turn the work around (in the photo it is the hole indicated with the scissors):
And now sew each side according to the diagram. Be careful not to undo the stitches, as they are very tiny and it's a pain to unravel.
And... that's it! It's really cool????? and more beautiful when natural than in the photos.
Who's up for it?
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